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My Story

Born and bred in the heart of Mississippi, I've lived a life guided by the simple yet profound values of hard work, justice, and community service. My upbringing, rooted in the tradition of giving back and standing up for what's right, shaped my path from the get-go. At Piney Woods School, I learned not just to dream big but to put in the sweat and tears to make those dreams a reality. 


Howard University was where I truly found my voice, amidst a legacy of fighters and thinkers. It wasn't smooth sailing, though. Facing racial profiling firsthand, I realized my fight wasn't just personal—it was for every soul denied justice. That fire led me to law school at Mississippi College, and later, to an LLM from George Washington University. I wasn't just chasing degrees; I was arming myself for a bigger battle against inequality and injustice.


As an attorney, I've fought tooth and nail for civil rights, championing the cause of those wronged by the system. But the courtroom was just one battleground. Stepping into the political arena as a state representative, I carried the same fire and determination to champion policies that break down barriers, all while keeping my feet firmly planted in the community that raised me.


My journey's been about more than just personal achievement. It's been a testament to the belief that one man, armed with conviction and a heart full of love for his community, can indeed make a difference. I'm just a Mississippi man at heart, but don't be fooled—I'm as relentless in the halls of the legislature as I am in the courtroom. It's all about justice, equality, and lifting up those around us. That's the mission, plain and simple.

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